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Horny Loving Schoolgirl (1985) Page 9

  Leo's cock and tongue were thrusting deep and hard in the two molten cunts, and the women were wailing with bliss. Mona completed the fun when she reached out and cupped Jamie's hot little tits, squeezing and molding them. Jamie shivered with excitement and grabbed for Mona's big breasts.

  She almost came as she began molding those silky-skinned melons. It was so exciting to play with tits that big. While Leo fucked them with his cock and tongue, they played with each other's tits, bringing their arousal to fever pitch.

  "Oh, shit, am I gonna come," Jamie groaned.

  "Me, too, honey," Mona panted, "but let's not rush. Let's make this last."

  Jamie was in favor of that. She wanted the wild fun to go on and on. It was hard to tell how Leo was feeling, with his face buried in her steaming pussy, but he was fucking and tonguing away like crazy, and it wasn't likely that he wanted to quit.

  The excited trio went at each other faster and faster, Leo's tongue and cock working with lightning speed, the women feverishly fondling each other's tits. They'd forgotten the rest of the world, and they certainly didn't have the least suspicion that they were being watched.

  Frederick Bates, the principal of Clinton High, was in a foul mood. He'd driven all the way home, only to discover that he'd forgotten his briefcase. It contained important papers which he needed to look at right away, so he had to drive back to the school and get it.

  Arriving there, he saw that there were two cars left in the parking lot. He knew they belonged to Miss Doran and Mr. Craig, and he nodded his approval. At least he had two hardworking teachers who were willing to stay late and do their jobs. Bates thought work should always come before pleasure.

  He entered the building and started down the hall to his private office, when he heard strange noises. He tracked them to the teachers' lounge. He pressed his ear to the door and listened, then turned red. It had been a long time since Bates had gotten it on, but he still recognized the sounds of sex.

  He put two and two together. Their cars were in the parking lot, and somebody was making love in the teachers' lounge. It was vile, disgusting, outrageous. Bates turned purple. He simply would not allow this filth in his school. If his suspicions were true, Craig and Doran were in very deep trouble.

  "My God," he muttered, "not Doran and Craig."

  He decided he'd better confirm his hunch, however, before taking action, so he knelt and looked through the keyhole. Then he turned even more purple. He almost choked as he stifled a bellow of outrage. The situation was even worse than he'd thought.

  Craig and Doran were in there having sex, all right, but they weren't alone. They'd lured a student into their disgusting activities. And that student was the best in school, a girl Bates had always been especially proud of, Jamie Johnson. There was going to be hell to pay for this, he vowed.

  He should barge right in there and stop that filthy, he knew. Yet he seemed unable to move. He felt almost hypnotized as he knelt there and looked through the keyhole. He'd never seen anything like this in his life. He'd never even heard of such depraved ways of getting it on.

  Leo Craig was on his back, on the daybed, and Mona Doran was sitting on his cock, riding it as he fucked her. Jamie Johnson was straddling his head, and he was pistoning his tongue up and down in her cunt. Both women were moaning and squealing with pleasure as Leo reamed and crammed their cunts.

  "Oooooo, shit, ooooo, I love it," Jamie howled.

  "Fuck it to me, I love your big cock," Mona cried.

  Frederick Bates shivered. He told himself he was shivering with disgust, but there was something more. Bates hadn't had much of a sex life. He was only fifty, but it was already over for him. He and his wife had agreed they were too old to fuck. The only purpose of it was to make children, after all, and their children were grown up and gone.

  Bates agreed in principle with this idea, but the problem was, he still got horny. Sometimes he'd wake up in the night with a hard-on that wouldn't go away, and he'd have to sneak into the bathroom and jack off. And sometimes he even got a cock-stand during the day, much to his embarrassment and mortification.

  Now it was happening again. He couldn't understand how such a depraved and filthy scene could arouse him, but he felt his balls swelling and his cock stiffening. He scolded himself, but it didn't do any good. He watched Mona's big heavy tits bouncing and swinging with the force of Leo's fucking, and his cock swelled up even more.

  Mona was going wild, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. Her pretty face was all contorted with ecstasy, and her head was lolling back. She was massaging Jamie's cute little tits, but the main focus of her excitement was Leo's pile-driving cock, which pounded relentlessly in her cunt.

  "Ohhhhhhh, shit, I'm gonna come," she moaned, "I'm gonna come so fuckin' good."

  Bates barely stifled a groan. He'd give anything to fuck a woman like Mona. His wife was a good decent woman, but only average in looks, and she'd never displayed any passion or enjoyment in bed. It was just like fucking a statue. He'd love to fuck a woman who responded hotly and uninhibitedly.

  He'd love to get his hands on those huge tits of hers, to squeeze big fistfuls of hot silky flesh and feel those long stiff nipples throbbing against his palms. Most of all, he'd like to ram his stiff cock into her steaming cunt and fuck her brains out. As he thought about it, his prick mushroomed to its full dimensions.

  "Damn," he muttered, "what's wrong with me?"

  He knew the answer even as he asked the question. He was horny, just plain horny. He hadn't been fucked in years, but he still needed sex. And now he'd stumbled on this incredibly sexy scene, and it was driving him wild. His cock tried to tear its way out of his pants as he watched Mona coming.

  "Ohhhhh, fuck, ohhhh, you're doing it to me, Leo!" she howled. "Ohhhhh, fuck, I'm coming, aaaahhhhhh!"

  Leo had to grasp her hard by the waist to keep her from tumbling off the impalement of his cock. Jamie helped hold her up, too. The beautiful dark-haired teacher bucked and writhed and convulsed as the powerful spasms shook her body. Her big tits wobbled, and thick hot cream poured from her cunt and down the blue-veined shaft of Leo's cock.

  "Unnnnhhhhh, shit, coming so good!" she wailed.

  Bates felt like hammering his head against the door. He was burning with lust and envy. He wanted in on the fun, yet that was impossible. He was the principal of the school and he had moral standards to maintain. He was going to have to bust these people.

  But not just yet. He wanted to watch the scene through to the end. Mona was coming down from her orgasm now, gurgling contentedly, but Jamie was just reaching her climax. Bates shifted his attention to the hoarsely moaning teenager.

  "Hard," she cried, "do it to me real hard, Leo, ohhhh, yeah."

  Leo was slamming his big slick tongue up and down in the girl's box, and she had her eyes closed tightly as she spun towards release. She stiffened for a moment, gasped, and then she began to convulse as hard as Mona had.

  "Oooooo, I'm coming, ooooo, whaahhhh!" she wailed.

  There was a muffled groan of bliss from Leo as he drank her tangy hot come juices and sizzled his own hot load into Mona's cunt. Mona took it with gurgles of delight.

  "Yeah, cream me, Leo, come in meeee!" she cried.

  Frederick Bates sighed and got to his feet. He arranged his suit jacket so that his hard-on didn't show, then reached for the doorknob. He couldn't deny that he'd been wildly aroused by what he'd just witnessed, so maybe it was hypocritical of him to punish these people. But that was his job.

  He opened the door and walked into the lounge. Leo, Mona and Jamie stared at him in horror. He assumed his sternest look and growled, "Get dressed and get down to my office, all of you. You're in very big trouble."


  Bates left them and went charging off down the hall to his office. They looked at each other in dismay as they put on their clothes. "This is a helluva price to pay for a few minutes of fun," Leo sighed.

  "This is terrible," Jamie moaned. "You guys could lose your jobs, and I'll be kicked out of school. There goes my college scholarship."

  "Oh, I wouldn't worry if I were you guys," Mona said lightly. They stared at her. She was grinning. "I guess you didn't notice what I did."

  "What are you talking about, Mona?" Leo sputtered. "This is very serious. This is no joke."

  "What did you see, Mona?" Jamie wondered.

  "He had a hard-on," Mona laughed. "The old bastard was horny out of his mind. We can work with that."

  "Say, you may be right," Leo said, brightening.

  "Yeah, if we could just get him to join us, he wouldn't dare report us," Jamie said.

  "That's just what I have in mind," Mona said. "We can work out a plan as we walk to his office. We're not out of the woods yet, but at least we've got a chance."

  By the time they entered Frederick Bates private office, they'd devised a strategy, but it was hastily put together and they had no idea if it would work. They all had their fingers crossed. Bates was waiting for them, standing there with his arms folded and looking ready to explode with outrage.

  As they filed into the office, Jamie grabbed a quick look at his fly. It was half concealed by his jacket, but she saw that Mona was right. The principal had a hard-on. There was a big bulge at his crotch which his suit jacket couldn't quite hide. Glancing at Leo, she saw that he'd noticed, too.

  "I'll make this short," Bates growled. "Craig and Doran, you're through as teachers. You're fired as of this minute, and you'll never teach again. I'll make sure of that." He turned his glare on Jamie. "I'm shocked by your behavior, young lady. I thought you were a decent, moral girl, but obviously I was deceived. Naturally you won't be getting a scholarship for college, and I'm going to recomme nd that you be expelled from this school."

  "Oh, knock off the crap, Fred," Mona said.

  Bates gawked at her. "I beg your pardon?" he said icily. "Just what do you mean by that, Miss Doran?"

  "I mean you're full of shit, Fred," she said mockingly, moving closer to him. "You watched us a long time, didn't you? You watched through the keyhole and got turned on, right? It gave you a hard-on, didn't it, Fred?"

  He turned red with mortification and clapped both hands to his fly, which was a dead giveaway. The others laughed, and Mona and Leo closed in on him from either side. They backed him against the wall, then grabbed his arms and held him. Jamie walked up to him and unbuttoned his jacket.

  "Aha," she cried gleefully, "he does have a hard-on."

  Bates turned purple. There was no way he could deny the evidence. That gross, obscene bulge at his fly told everybody that Mona was right. He'd spied on their little orgy and gotten aroused out of his mind.

  "Well, I'm only human," he sputtered.

  "So are we, Fred," Leo told him. "We like to have a little fun now and then. So let's make a deal. We won't tell on you, if you won't tell on us."

  Bates glared at them. "What I did wasn't nearly as filthy and disgusting as what you did," he snapped. "I'm going to have to report you. And if you refer to my, uh, hard-on, I'll just deny that it happened."

  Jamie and the teachers looked at each other. They'd given it a good try, but their plan had failed. Bates was going to stonewall it, and they probably couldn't beat him at that. Jamie thought quickly.

  "Don't let him go," she told her friends. "I've got another idea."

  "Right," Mona said grimly, "go ahead with it, Jamie, we're with you."

  "What are you people talking about?" Bates demanded. "Let me go this second."

  They paid no attention to him. He gasped and turned purple again as Jamie unzipped his pants and let them drop. Everybody could see the enormous tenting of his shorts. She grasped the waistband of his shorts and tugged the garment down to his ankles. His cock stuck out obscenely, stiff and drooling.

  "Why, Fred, you naughty boy," Mona giggled.

  "Shame on you, Fred," Leo chuckled.

  Bates just sputtered and tried to break free, but they held him firmly. Jamie went to her knees in front of him and reached for his engorged prick. Wrapping her Fingers around his cock, she began to pump, and Bates shivered. In that instant he knew he was done for. Jamie had no idea of the lust she was unleashing.

  "L-Let me go," he said weakly.

  At the same moment his cock gave a lusty buck in Jamie's fist and dripped hot cream. The others laughed, and Bates groaned. He was cooked. Jamie was bringing out a lust so old and secret that he'd never told anybody about it and had tried for years to forget it.

  Ever since he went into school administration, Fred Bates had been insanely aroused by very young girls. Their slender teenage bodies turned him on like crazy. For twenty years now he'd had to fight his powerful urge to get it on with a student. But Jamie was destroying all his hard work.

  She was his favorite jack-off fantasy come true. In that fantasy Bates would summon a girl to his office for discipline, and she'd come on to him. She'd take down his pants, fool around with his cock, beg him to get it on with her. And of course he never could resist.

  He watched with hot glazing eyes as Jamie's little fist pumped up and down his swollen prick. Then she stuck out her tongue and started licking his meat, and it was all he could do to keep from bellowing with horniness. Her juicy hot tongue felt fantastically good on his engorged sensitive cock head.

  Leo and Mona felt him shudder violently as Jamie's hot tongue contacted his meat, and Mona couldn't resist rubbing it in. "Feels great, doesn't it, Fred?" she taunted. "You'd just love to have Jamie give you some head, wouldn't you?"

  "Doran, you're through as a teacher," Bates groaned.

  "You already said that, honey," Mona yawned. "Don't bore us. Why don't you just relax and enjoy what Jamie's doing to you?"

  "Enjoy that filth?" Fred said hoarsely. "I'm not a sicko like you people. I ohhhhh, Jesus."

  Jamie was guiding his cock into her mouth. He felt his meat being sheathed in juicy hot flesh, and he couldn't suppress a lusty groan. The girl worked more than half his cock in the steamy cavern of her mouth, and she pumped the rest in her hot little fist. She started sucking loudly on his meat.

  "Unnnnhh, Christ, not that," he groaned, knowing he'd really had it now.

  "Go for it, honey, suck him off," Mona cried delightedly.

  "Looks like our team's gonna win," Leo chuckled.

  Bates felt mortified yet wildly turned on. He'd never had his cock sucked before. It was something he'd secretly longed for, but he didn't dare suggest it to his wife. She'd have been horrified. Now it was happening to him, and he had to admit it was fantastic.

  He struggled not to show how aroused he was, but it was a losing battle. Jamie sucked steadily harder and faster on his cock, and his breathing got louder and harsher. He stayed flushed in the face, not out of embarrassment now, but out of lust. His eyes glazed over with horniness.

  "Good work, Jamie," Mona said. "I think this is gonna do it."

  Jamie gurgled happily. She was so glad she'd thought of this last-ditch plan. When everything else had failed, she'd figured she had nothing to lose by going down on the principal. Now his cock was throbbing like crazy on her tongue, and she knew she'd made the right decision.

  "Unnnnhhhh, Christ, unnnhhhhh," Bates groaned, his eyes rolling.

  It looked like he was going to lose control of himself completely and come in the girl's mouth. He didn't want it to happen, it was going to be so mortifying, but there was no way he could see to prevent it. Now the others would know that he was just as big a sex fiend as they were.

  He gritted his teeth and struggled to hold out, but Jamie just kept sucking harder and faster on his prick, still she seemed to be sucking the hot jizz right out of his balls. Her mouth was fiery hot and deliciously snug around his cock-meat, and he couldn't ignore that greedy vacuum pressure.

  "Get ready, honey," Mona laughed. "Fred's gonna feed you a big hot load of come."

  "Am not," Fred groaned.

  "Oh, yes, you are," Leo laughed. "Jamie's gonna suck you dry. Right, honey?"

  "Mmmmmmm," Jamie, moaned, giving a long, powerful suck on the principal's nearly-bursting cock.

  "Awwwwwww, God, aaaagggghhhh!" Fred roared.

  Jamie's cheeks puffed out as he helplessly filled her mouth with his huge steaming load. His knees turned to rubber, and Leo and Mona had to hold him up as he pistoned his jetting cock in the girl's sucking mouth. He completely lost control, yelping and groaning as he came.

  "Good work, honey," Leo said.

  "I'm gonna work on him, too," Mona said with a wicked grin. "Just for insurance."